Strength Activity 4: Include Your Community

Strength Activity 4:

Include Your Community

Through our relationships with others, we have other eyes that act as mirrors to tell us who we are. Sometimes people aren’t accurate in their assessment. But trusted people who care about us, can give us enlightening perspective. Asking people what strengths they see in us could be a bit nerve racking, but it can be so rewarding!


  • Receiving opinions from trusted friends, mentors, and family helps us see ourselves more accurately. Their stories are reality based evidence and can offer us meaningful affirmation.
  • Their viewpoint can help us combat limiting beliefs and perhaps see ourselves in a different light.

Who would you like to ask to help you identify your strengths? 

Thinks I’mGreat: ________________________________________

Makes me Laugh: ________________________________________

Speaks the Truth Kindly: ___________________________________________

Has Seen Me in Different Seasons of Life: ___________________________________________

Appreciate How They Think: ___________________________________________

Anyone Else I’d Like To Ask: ___________________________________________

Putting a time target on our ideas help them become a reality. When would you like to ask these people for their feedback?

I’ll ask by: _____________________________________________

Ideas for your community:

Identify three strengths out of all the categories. If you’d rather not show them the list, you can simply ask them to name a few.

See if they will share a few of their strength stories with you. Even one will be great to have! 🙂

Move Ahead:

If you have hesitations about sharing your strengths, the next topic might be helpful. 🙂